We go east and open in a way a new chapter in Poland for our Council. At our last meeting in Switzerland, we shared the vision to go east and a wish to hold our next Council meeting in Poland.
Through Notburga Fischer – psychotherapist from Switzerland – this wish came true. The Gestalt therapists Monika Kalinowska-Cisao and Agata Westfal in Poland/ Łódź invited us and the Council Meeting to Poland and Co-Create the 10th Council Meeting there.
In March 2024 Monika and Agata had the first of a series of online meetings with Grandmothers Aldona (Lithuania), Erika (Germany), Wenche (Denmark), Madeleine (Sweden) and Co-created the Conference, program, practical parts and ceremonies together as a team, in a genuine sisterly way. The Council does not have a delegate in Poland so we shaped and prepared this 10th Council meeting in a completely new way with the women from Poland. Monika and Agata took care of the organization at home in Poland: They looked for the venue, spread the information and invitations in Poland and collected proposals of contributions from Polish women and men for the local part of the workshops. They also contacted the authorities of Zelow, the town close to our venue in the woods; Patyki, who took patronage.
Internal Grandmothers Meeting
Friday, 27th September
As part of the Internal Meeting, the Grandmothers were taken on a Tour – Horse Carriage – to See the Sites and Learn the History of Zelow and lunch together.
After lunch in Zelow, the Grandmothers were invited to the Cultural Centre to meet and have a dialogue with Senior women who meet regularly to create beautiful handicrafts and paintings, take part in Drama and provide activities for children and youngsters. We got to know each other, shared wisdom and experiences about how to support a city’s safe development as a community in different ways and at the same time the sisterhood of joy and we had warm and intimate exchanges.
Official Days
Saturday 28th
Morning meditation and yoga – Breakfast
Grandmother Erika welcomed everybody to the 10th Council Meeting, with the topic „Sisterhood“. She briefly introduced our history from the beginning in 2015 up to now, and talked about the planning for this special meeting, which started with the invitation from Poland. She thanked the planning team, and presented flowers as a special thank you to Agata Westfal and Monika Kalinowska-Cisao for their great co-creation together with the organizing team of Grandmothers Aldona, Erika,Madeleine and Wenche.
We opened the Council Meeting with a short Ceremony: The candle was lit, the Grandmothers formed a center and a circle and sang their traditional council song.
A short presentation by each Grandmother in her native tongue and in English followed.
Council Dialogue
Grandmother Madeleine introduced the topic for the Council dialogue and the steps in which it was to be explored.
Then the big group of 80 participants was divided into two groups, one for English speaking and one for Polish speaking participants. Pavel Lasomil and Martha Konfederak from Poland conducted the polish speaking group around a fire in a big tipi. The English speaking group was facilitated by Grandmother Madeleine from Sweden as an outdoor dialogue in the midst of pine trees. Women and some men aged between 15 to 80 shared and reflected openly and trustfully their thoughts and experiences about what makes Sisterhood genuine for them personally and for society in general.
These 2 groups met 50 minutes later in a big tent for a joint circle dialogue. This exchange had a “Fishbowl“ format: 4+1 chairs for conversation in the middle, surrounded by a big circle of all the other participants on the outside. All participants were invited to take part in the dialogue to Explore what Sisterhood is about..
Grandmothers Madeleine and Aldona facilitated the “Fishbowl” dialogueprocess and suggested into the circle the subjects/theme/questions:
Exploration of what Sisterhood are – Questions as dialogue starters
How do we amplify and identify a genuine Sisterhood and make it visible?
– Grandmother Wenche was inspired to make a piece of art in order to express her understanding of sisterhood: Two women arm in arm swinging on a branch.
– Grandmother Monika from Iceland compared the quality of sisterhood to the interbeing of trees in a forest: Sisterhood as a support and signaling system that communicates beyond words as Mycelium does under the trees. There is an interconnected network of roots and fungal threads, where stronger trees send nutrients to weaker trees. Mycelium is part of Mycorrhiza which is a vast web, an invisible network of support and communication that gives the forest high resilience in case of hazards or damage. Reference was also made to the invisible spiritual web which connects all life on an energy level.Therefore „Mycelium“ and „Mycorrhiza“ became became metaphors for sisterhood, through our days together.
– An issue which popped up several times was that Sisterhood creates a safe environment where friends, children, colleagues can grow and be themselves. You know it when you feel it.
– It is not about gender, it is a way of living life and caring, being careful with all living species
– For many women being a sister means speaking the same “language“, women share a common story (her story) of living thousands of years in masculine dominated (his story) societies and the common experience of taking care of children and support for families and communities. This creates a genuine language.
– Sisterhood doesn´t judge, but backs another friend/sister in her/his development. She knows that growing takes time. Sometimes slow growing is the fastest path forward and supports the living system for several and seven generations.
– Sisterhood is care and concern for all living beings, all the time, everywhere.
– By exploring and living sisterly values we are able to serve as role models for others.
– Martha and Pawel from Poland told about the “sister/brother groups” they hold in Łódź once a month that make it possible to support a sisterhood in both genders.
Parallel workshops
After lunch there was an opportunity to participate in Parallel workshops hosted by women from Poland
Crocheting and handcrafting, led by Monika Kostrzewska; Poland
Supporting medicine for women’s health, led by; Marzena Uchman; Poland
Slovenian exercise for women, led by Joanna Bak, Poland
Nurturing our roots, led by; Katarzyna Madej, Poland
Photo: Rita Paulina Klysik
Inspirational good practices – Europe
Following a Coffee break there was a short sharing of good practice and inspiring initiatives currently happening in Europe
– Grandmother Elisabeth, Switzerland, gave a report about the Klimaseniorinnen (Women +67 years) in Switzerland and the success the had in The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled on Tuesday, April 9 2024: “The states have a responsibility to protect their citizens against climate change”. This historic ruling means that 2,000 women in the climate group KlimaSeniorinnen have won their case against the Swiss state.The ruling by the European Court of Human Rights found that Switzerland had violated certain human rights by not doing enough to meet its emission targets. The court ruled that EU member states are obliged to protect their citizens from the consequences of climate change. A milestone in the protection of individual human rights. For those who wish to know more please READ MORE
– Grandmother Madeleine, Sweden, spoke about the Aurora initiative where some 600 Young people in Sweden are in “a group lawsuit” suing the state for not do enough to protect their citizens from the consequences of climate change, and not treating the climate crisis as a crisis.Because of the success of the Klimaseniorinnen in Switzerland, they feel more hopeful that Sweden can follow that judgement. READ MORE
– Grandmother Madeleine, Sweden, reported about Ecocide Law that is an important legal protection for Mother Earth. A major step towards a yes to an international protection/law has been taken on the 9th of September, 2024: 3 states parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court consider the new proposal from three Pacific Island States Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa – to make mass destruction of nature #ecocide an international crime. A fifth crime alongside a) genocide b) crimes against humanity c) war crimes d) crimes of aggression. More and more countries have now taken decisions to have an ecocide law on at national level. The next step is to create a common law for all United Nation countries. It is now considered that the time is ripe for the ICC to finally assess that there are possibilities for the law to break through. The initiative taken by these three countries is a major breakthrough in bringing about one of several important legal protections for Mother Earth that govern the actions and economic flows of businesses and states. READ MORE . In Europa/EU has also agreed to create new offence that aims to punish the most serious crimes against the environment for the EU Counties. New law aimed at preventing and punishing “cases comparable to ecocide”. READ MORE
– Helga shared another example of sisterhood, which she views as so important in these times of war: She is involved in an international support group (WWP) of Isrealian „Women Peace Wage“ and Palestinian „Women of the Sun“. They bring Israelis and Palestinians together to spread a call of peace and a strong message of hope. The movement unifies women from different communities and backgrounds, empowers them and promotes a non- violent resolution of the conflict.
– Eliot Livingston read a letter about sisterhood from his mother, Isabel Livingston, who had travelled from the US to attend several previous grandmother gatherings, but was nota able to participate this time: Two women in the family tree, one black, one white, without knowing each other, were both engaged in fighting against slavery and racism.
Water Ceremony
This was followed by a Water ceremony at the riverside led by Grandmother Sophia. We saw a rainbow while walking to the beach. During the ceremony fishes jumped out of the water and birds added their sound. Sophia walked into the water and sang a holy watersong. We felt how the water brought us closer.- we felt the spirit of sisterhood.
Peace Fire
After Dinner, there was a Peace Fire, led by Grandmothers Monika, Helga, Irene and Sophia. It was a special night made even more magical by the sounds of Monica playing her harp.
Official day
Sunday 29th
Morning meditation and yoga – Breakfast
Sisterhood Human Mandela – 7th generations
Notburga Fischer, Gestalt therapist from Switzerland, led a 3 stage process for a Human system mandala We started by moving with music. Then we chose a partner to gently dance with taking each other’s movements, mirroring and continuing them. Then in Groups of three, each individual allowed their spirit to express freely in a sheltered space supported by the other two following the movements. This powerfull and gentle exercise became for many an experienced (second) metaphor of sisterhood. This was followed by a silent meditation in the beautiful pine forest, after which we went inside and made a big human mandala, working with the seven generations of ancestors.The grandmothers were aked to form an outer circle. Their presence provided an additional layer of trust and protection to the process as each person gave back a burden and received a resource from the generation line. After Lunch there was a Lecture “Sisterhood with the Earth and all her beings” by Grandmother Isabel who offered ideas on How we can we make the best choices to support Mother Earth LINK
Sisterhood with the Earth and all her beings
Lecture by Grandmother Isabel, Spain: How can we make the best choices, for the good of Mother Earth.
“We women are the guardians of life and that implies that we have to do everything possible so that Mother Earth and all the beings that live on her and from her, begin to have a relationship of sisterhood.”
Earth Ritual – Closing Ceremony
The Closing Ceremony was an Earth Ritual in the forest led by Grandmother Monika. And here som children and families participated. It was followed by rooted the genuin sisterhood qualities during planting of 20 young trees on the Patyki parklands, while Grandmother Monika was playing the harp.
End of the Official Council program
Thank You
Thank you to Agata Szlęk, who was the Polish-English voice and helped us understand each other.
Thank you to Marta Konfederak and Pavel Lasomil Przybylski for holding the circle with such great care and professionalism.
Thank you to Notburga Fischer, for a beautiful workshop – Human Sisterhood Mandela.
Thank You Pyszny Zakatek Restaurant in Zelow, for all the good food and inspiration for all the guests from other European countries to genuine Polish food traditionin, in the event at Patyki.
Thank You Rita Paulina Klysik for documenting the entire event and special moments ( Ceremonies are not dokumented. (Ceremonies are conducted with the focused presence of all participants including the photographer, hence are conducted without photography during the event.)
We thank Natalia Zuk- Michalowska, who finalized our efforts to get the word Sisterhood into the Polish dictionary of neologisms. And we thank Mrs. Prof. Katarzyna Klosinska for putting it right there.
Thank you to Marika and Karina, the stick sisters and head of the Patyki resort center, who took care of the space, enabled us to plant and root sisterhood qualities, by replanting trees on their land and supported us throughout the process
Summary and report: Grandmother Wenche, Madeleine, Erika and Maryanne
Photo Gallery: Fotographer: Rita Paulina Klysik, and Ariane Elshof
Absent: Grandmothers: Beate, Helga, Pascale, Sabina, Swami Nitya, Toni In Attendance: Sophia Clemenceau. Place: Wildhausen https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/wildhaus/ Accommodation/Lunch/Dinner: at B&B Schönenboden www.schoenenboden.ch Photos: Down below – after the text report – Photographer on most posts: ARIANE ELSHOF
Internal Council Meeting February 1-4
1st evening – Thursday February 1, 2024 Irene welcomed us with the sound of the Alphorn to our meeting room. Elisabeth and Irene introduced the location, the program for these few days and a presentation on the topic LIGHT. Then a welcome and opening Ceremony.
Friday February 2, 2024 Council organization; internal work day MaryAnne introduced us to the Celtic light celebration of Imbolc which is celebrated in Ireland and in other countries on the 1 st February each year. Wenche presented the birth horoscope of the European Council.
Some of the visitors were with us when we had the pleasure to meet Sonja Morgenegg, professional Singer and Yodeller. She gave a small workshop to teach the techniques and the old communication traditions of Swiss Yodelling and taught us a yodel to the Sunrise.
We took a Cable Car to Gamplüt for a reflection and walk in the mountains.
Council organisation internal work continued. Dialog, meditation and a circle on the reflection on the topic – LIGHT :
Where has your light led you for this incarnation?
What quality do you embody with your light?
What are you using your light for now? Sophia gave a meditation journeyand briefly presented the teachings of the Council of Elders of the 13 Moons.
Saturday February 3, 2024 Council internal organization development day Erika and Madeleine hosted practices for the Council’s step into the next now. They also held a circle dialogue about practical and organization matters and a dialog about the report from the Council Meetings 1-8 that Toni had prepared for the 9th Council.
Isabel Livingston gave a short conference on permaculture for the Council. Eliot L Wilson and Brit gave a short introduction about his passive habitat project- https://futur.earth- Living and housing system.
Internal Council Meeting continued Aldona gave a meditation with a short body and focus preparation. Council internal organization developing day continued with Erika and Madeleine leading practices for the Councils next step. Process to find our next step into the “next now”: We decided to go in a new direction for the next council meeting. It was agreed to Go East and organize a council in a new country. A council working group was formed to prepare the location, flow and format for the next council meeting in September 2024. The 2025 council meeting is planned for Ireland in 2025. Denmark and Belgium are also in the dialog for next coming Council Meetings. Circle dialog; practical and organization matters. Closing the Council internal meeting
Saturday February 3, 2024, evening
Official activity
Fire ceremony. By the lake Schönenbodensee and at the foot of the Alpsstein we held a peace fire. People from different areas in Switzerland arrived in the evening and participated. The fire was set up by Dieter. The ceremony was guided by Monika and Elisabeth. It was a beautiful, strong, hopeful and warm ceremony under the stars.
Sunday February 4, 2024
Official Day
Open day with lectures and exchange 9 am -17 pm Premises/local: The Municipal hall of Wildhaus: Chuchitobel Opening ceremony The Grandmothers made a Circle and sang their song; “There is no time but now” as an opening ceremony. Elisabeth Wille welcomed everyone and introduced the programme for the day and the European Council of Grandmothers. Each grandmother introduced herself briefly and spoke about one of the Council meetings and the theme addressed, year by year since its creation.
After the introduction there were lectures on: “Being born into the Light. Loss of twins – personal experience from the prenatal period”; Elisabeth Wille The importance of the first 1000 days of life from the prenatal period. Potential of us grandparents during this time; Irene Keller Gubler.
“Why love is stronger than violence”; Christa Dregger
Away from world events, even in crisis areas, communities and villages of the future are emerging And living a reality of peace that is (still) a utopia globally. Christa showed us the healing effect of the ‘peace research community of Tamera’ and the alliance ‘Defend the Sacred’ with their non-violent and spiritually holistic life models. A new culture is becoming visible here.
Lunch: Together public and Grandmothers mingled and enjoyed lunch in restaurant “Alpstein”
President of the organisation Klima Seniorinnen Rosmarie Wydler–Wälti presented “Why we need the Klima Seniorinnen”. The association KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz with over 2,500 members aged 65+, who is suing the federal government in Switzerland because female seniors are particularly affected by global warming. The lawsuit was rejected by all instances in Switzerland. They have now submitted a lawsuit to the European Court of Justice For Human Rights in Strassburg. https://en.klimaseniorinnen.ch
“Two Nordic Stories relating to the Light”- Norrsken, Aurora Borealis Due to the hurricane in northern Norway Beate Heide, Sami delegate could not travel to Switzerland. Wenche Nordberg from Denmark/Norway gave the Story of Northern Lights in North Scandinavia. Where the sky sometimes turns into blue/green flames dancing on the floor of the sky and what one of the many stories says about this wondrous light.
Eliot L Wilson told us about his passive habitat project: Futur – Living and housing systems that strive to make a life in harmony with the Earth possible. https://futur.earth
Dialog with The European Grandmothers together with the Public/Visitors/Guest/Lectures – The living climate and how to expand light in our time.
-What we can all do to support development in the world. Questions and dialog about The Council’s work. The Council of Grandmothers intentional vision. How each of us and all people together can help peace find a place on earth and in life. About the Grandmothers’ work together with young people in different countries. Why it’s not only important to the Council what we do, but also so important to us how we do things. This means also that efforts at a private and local level change at a global level and vice versa. Question and answers about what people contribute to provide space and support for The Council of European Grandmothers’ work in Europe. There was a lot of dialog and flow during the days about going east to Poland as a next step. One of the visitors also inspired the Council to go to Poland and offered connections there for the Council 2024.
The Hosts for the Official part of the conference in the City Hall – Grandmother Elisabeth and Irene – thanked the audience for participating. We closed with the Circle all together “there is no time but now”.
Internal Closing meeting back at B&B Schönenboden Closing Council Meeting Switzerland February 2024
Sophia – delegate from France – becomes a new member of the Council. Then we made a summary of the days in Switzerland 2024. The Hosts, Irene and Elisabeth, thanked all for the Council Meeting days and we all thanked them for the great days in the beautiful nature of Wildhaus and the Swiss Alps. Closing Ceremony. We also want to give a big thank you to the municipality of Wildhaus, who received us and supported our council meeting in Switzerland.
A big thank you…
…to Priska Wenk and her team in B&B Schönenboden and the fantastic hospitality, service and food during our stay and also to Tina Lackstätter the Chef in the kitchen some of the days. Many thanks to Eliot and Cornelia for their translation work. To Eva for her helping during the whole time, and to Ariane for the photos. Many thanks also to everyone who helped in various ways and thanks for all the support of donations in various ways to support the Council meeting in Switzerland and the European Grandmothers work through the gifts. And thank you to all the visitors, guests and lectures.
/The Council of European Grandmothers
Christa Dregger Journalist at “Zeitpunktarticleabout the organisation and the Council Meeting in Schweiz “…I found something very valuable in this group: a deep kindness combined with a lot of competence! How often does competition and the pressure to gain recognition dominate in political circles! Not here. Patience and caring are important qualities of the European Grandmothers. But that alone would not do them justice: clarity, foresight and willpower are also part of it, as I discovered. The hours in this group made it clear to me once again why some anthropologists say that only the presence of women after childbearing age made cultural development possible: only if there are women who are not directly concerned with their offspring, but rather with their care and with the focus on the whole tribe or community can a culture look beyond immediate needs. They meet every nine months. The ninth meeting was organized by the two Swiss delegates – Elisabeth Wille and Irene Keller Gubler – and took place from 1 to 5 February in Wildhaus. As February 2 is a holiday dedicated to the rebirth of light in different cultures (“Imbolc”, “Light Fair”), the theme this time was “Light…”. Read the whole article here in German:https://zeitpunkt.ch/chapeau-fuer- den-rat-der-europaeischen-grossmuetter . (More articles and films about the Council and the next Council Meeting you can find here: https://councileugrandmothers.eu/news/)
11 of the 17 delegates in the Council of European Grandmothers – Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF Aldona – Madeleine – ErikaNew delegate: Grandmother Sophia, FranceGrandmother – Beth & IsabellAldona – Lituania and Irene, SchweizAckommodation SonnenbräuGrandmother Monika, Island Grandmother Irene Keller GublerGrandmother Elisabeth, Schweiz and Erika, GermanyNorthen Irland delegate: BethPriska WenkEva WinklerGrandmother Wenche Nordberg, DenmarkHost: Elisabeth Wille/Irene Keller GublerPRosmarie Wydler WältiChrista DreggerSweden Grandmother Madeleine Spanish delegate: Isabell Manani DuchEliot Wilson and Brit – New York: FuturTina LackstätterPhotographer Fire Keeper – Grandmother Elisabeth & Monika PEACE FIRE – Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF
9th meeting of the Council of European Grandmothers in Wildhaus on the topic of “Light”
The first days of February have been special days since time immemorial: the daylight is clearly perceptible, the hours of sunshine are increasing. Life in nature is slowly waking up, winter will soon be over. In the Celtic tradition this time is called Imbolc when they Celebrate the Return of Brigid, the Goddess of Light. The Christian culture knows these days as Candlemas – candles are blessed that will accompany you through the year.
After our internal work on the “Light” from February 1st to 3rd we open the circle to everyone, women and men, young and old! Translation is provided.
Time: Meeting point: Cost: Registration:
3 February 24: Peace Fire
8 p.m. to approx. 9 p.m. parking lot at Schönenbodensee, 9658 Wildhaus; from there it’s a short walk none requested before January 15th by mail info@councileugrandmothers.eu or website www.councileugrandmothers.eu
4 February 24:
09.15 to 09.45 09.45 to 10.30
10.30 to 10.45 10.45 to 12.00
12.30 to 13.45 14.00 to 15.15
15.15 to 15.30 15.30 to 16.15 16.15 to 17.15
Lectures and exchange
Welcome and introduction of the Council of European Grandmothers
“Being born into the Light”; Elisabeth Wille, Irene Keller Gubler The importance of the first 1000 days of a person’s life Loss of twins – personal experience from the prenatal period Potential of us grandparents during this time
Break “Why love is stronger than violence”; Christa Dregger
Away from world events, even in crisis areas, communities and villages of the future are emerging And living a reality of peace that is (still) a utopia globally. Christa will show us the healing effect Of the ‘peace research community of Tamera’ and the alliance ‘Defend the Sacred’ with their non- Violent and spiritually holistic life models. A new culture is becoming visible here.
Questions and exchange
Dinner together in the nearby restaurant “Alpstein” Costs: 27 CHF (salad buffet, spaghetti or rice with various sauces, coffee / tea)
“Why we need the KlimaSeniorinnen”; Rosmarie Wydler The association KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz with over 2500 members is suing the federal Government because the Seniors are particularly affected by global warming. Our complaint was Rejected by all instances in Switzerland. That’s why we went to the European Court of Justice For Human Rights. Their verdict will have repercussions for the whole of Europe. Questions and exchange
Break “Two Nordic Stories relating to the Light”; Beate Heide, Sami
Questions, exchange and conclusion
Location: How to get there: by post bus: “Wildhaus Dorf” stop, from there it’s a 5-minute walk
by car: large parking lot «Chuchitobel» Costs: voluntary collection
Registration: absolutely necessary for organizational reasons before January 15th by mail info@councileugrandmothers.eu or website www.councileugrandmothers.eu
9. Treffen des Rates der Europäischen Grossmütter in Wildhaus zum Thema «Licht»
Die ersten Tage im Februar sind seit Urzeiten besondere Tage: das Tageslicht nimmt deutlich wahrnehmbar zu, die Sonnenstunden werden mehr. Das Leben in der Natur wacht langsam auf, der Winter ist bald vorbei. In der keltischen Tradition wird diese Zeit Imbolc genannt: da wird die Rückkehr von Brigid, der Göttin des Lichtes, gefeiert. Die christliche Kultur kennt diese Tage als Lichtmess – Kerzen werden gesegnet, die einem durchs Jahr begleiten werden.
Nach unserer internen Arbeit vom 1. bis 3. Februar zum „Licht“ öffnen wir den Kreis für alle, Frauen und Männer, jung und alt! Für Übersetzung ist gesorgt.
3. Februar 24: Friedensfeuer
20 Uhr bis ca. 21 Uhr Parkplatz beim Schönenbodensee, 9658 Wildhaus; von dort aus kurzer Weg zu Fuss keine
Zeit: Treffpunkt: Kosten: Anmeldung: erwünscht bis 15. Januar 24
per Mail info@councileugrandmothers.eu oder Website www.councileugrandmothers.eu
4. Februar 24:
09.15 bis 09.45 09.45 bis 10.30
10.30 bis 10.45 10.45 bis 12.00
12.30 bis 13.45 14.00 bis 15.15
15.15 bis 15.30 15.30 bis 16.15 16.15 bis 17.15
Vorträge und Austausch
Begrüssung und Vorstellen des Councils of European Grandmothers
«Das Licht der Welt erblicken»; Elisabeth Wille, Irene Keller Gubler Die Wichtigkeit der ersten 1000 Tage im Leben eines Menschen Zwillingsverlust – persönliche Erfahrung aus der pränatalen Zeit Potential von uns Grosseltern in dieser Zeit
Pause «Warum Liebe stärker ist als Gewalt»; Christa Dregger
Abseits vom Weltgeschehen, auch in Krisengebieten, entstehen Gemeinschaften und Zukunftsdörfer und leben eine Realität des Friedens, die global (noch) eine Utopie ist. Wie und warum diese «Heilungsbiotope» eine heilende Wirkung haben werden, möchte Christa anhand der Friedensforschungs-Gemeinschaft Tamera und der Allianz ‘Defend the Sacred’ beleuchten: mit gewaltfreien und spirituell-ganzheitlichen Lebensmodellen wird hier eine neue Kultur sichtbar.
Fragen und Austausch
gemeinsames Essen im nahegelegenen Restaurant «Alpstein» Kosten: 27 Fr (Salatbuffet, Spaghetti oder Reis mit div. Saucen, Kafi / Tee)
“Warum es die KlimaSeniorinnen braucht”; Rosmarie Wydler Der Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz mit über 2500 Mitgliedern klagt gegen den Bund, weil die Seniorinnen von der Klimaerwärmung besonders stark betroffen sind. Unsere Beschwerde wurde von allen Instanzen in der Schweiz abgewiesen. Deshalb gelangten wir an den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte. Dieses Urteil wird für ganz Europa Auswirkungen haben. Fragen und Austausch
Pause «Zwei nordische Geschichten zum Licht»; Beate Heide, Sami
Fragen, Austausch und Abschluss
Ort: Anreise:
Mehrzweckhalle «Chuchitobel», 9658 Wildhaus mit Postauto: Haltestelle «Wildhaus Dorf», von dort 5 Minuten zu Fuss mit Auto: grosser Parkplatz «Chuchitobel» freiwillige Kollekte
Kosten: Anmeldung: unbedingt erforderlich aus organisatorischen Gründen bis 15. Januar 24!
per Mail info@councileugrandmothers.eu oder Website www.councileugrandmothers.eu
Wednesday, 19th Thursday, 20th April 2023Wednesday, 19th Thursday, 20th April 2023
The grandmothers met for two days on their own, focusing on the theme of Death and its various facets; Connections to the traditions of the various European countries; Approaches and the personal views of each Grandmother on the subject. Together they approached and examined Death – where everything stands still. There was a diversity of understandings based on each Grandmother’s personal experience and the traditions of her country.
The programme of their days together also covered items for dialogue about our common present situation, and the steps into the future of the Council in a time of upheaval for the world and Europe. There were also practical items regarding the organization of the Council. The grandmothers each reflected and shared their positions.
A decision was taken to invite Sophia Clemenceau from France to come next year as a guest to visit and participate in the group. This follows the agreed method of expanding the membership of the Council of European Grandmothers.
MaryAnne and Erika
Christalera de Miraflores – Madrid
Public Events
Friday, 21st April 2023
A small gathering opening Ceremony took place. Grandmother Wenche from Denmark gave a Talk on Astrology, with particular emphasis on the role that the Planet Pluto, with his transformative power, is playing in all our lives at the present time. Her paper on “The Approach to the Stars” can be accessed in downloadable pdf as the end of this report.
Zuzka Cortes expressed her deeply touching encounter with death in Flamenco Dancing.
Alexandria Oleinika and Alexia Wulfer-Buldenka read some of their poems. We got the emphasis but not the wordly content, for the reading was done in Spanish.
The official Opening Ceremony took place in the Miraflores Theatre in the evening. Grandmother Swami Nitya began on the stage by calling in the five elemental energies.
Grandmother Sabina performed the Dance of Death.
The Grandmothers individually introduced themselves to the audience.
Grandmother Tina gave a talk on the Spirituality of the Palaeolithic Woman and its repercussion in our days.
Fiona Issler elaborated on this using ancient and modern Art Sculptures.
Saturday, 22nd April 2023
Following Meditation with Exercises, after breakfast the Grandmothers and guests went in procession to a field by the river, where Grandmother Monika led a Water Ceremony where the council members contributed waters brought from their countries – a water gathering ritual. Which was then presented to the River for circulation for the good of the Earth.
Grandmothers Swami Nitya, Tina, and Isabel offered their Reflections on this year’s topic: Death. (More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report).
One of the visitors from America, shared her personal experience of what is called a Near-Death Experience.
After lunch and time for conviviality, We listened to a Viola de Gamba Concert Recital by Pere Ros.
This was followed by three round Table dialogs where questions were put into the dialog from
Swami Nitya, concerning the transformation by death
Tina, concerning Transhumanism
Isabel, concerning practical issues of death
After dinner; there was singing, dancing, and sharing around an Outdoor Fire.
Sunday, 23rd April 2023
After breakfast following Meditation with Exercises, there was a Silent Walk through the mountains, honouring Mother Earth.
Afterwards, Grandmother MaryAnne spoke about the Importance of Food for Life – Body, Mind and Soul. More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report).
Grandmother Pascal led a Butterfly Meditation. More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report.
Lola Roma presented information on the Sweet Revolution. More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report.
This was followed by a Closing Ceremony
ATTACHED FILE pdf: 5 Speech and Meditations from the Council Meeting in Spain.
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