Topic: Communication
Council of European Grandmothers – Summary Report on Second Council Meeting held 15th – 18th September 2016 at Hof Rose, Altenmedingen, Germany
Thursday, 15th September 2016
We began by sitting in a circle and sharing where we are at, now after a year.
We were aware that the most important aspect of our 2nd. Meeting was communication
amongst ourselves, so quite a bit of time was spend in relaxed chatting and ceremony
(energetic communication).
Friday, 16th September 2016
For our first big ceremony Inaqiawa led a Welcoming Ritual outdoors, where we stood
in a circle around Earth, Water and Fire and each Grandmother expressed her gratitude,
longing and blessings. We welcomed water, soil and fire from our individual home
countries. Each Grandmother was welcomed in the circle by one of the grandmothers.
Those who were unable to attend were included at least by name.
In the afternoon Helga Langer led a Workshop “Leading to our Intention. We worked
hard on the formulation of our Intent. We took time to meditate, sitting in silence
turning inwards, waiting for our inner wisdom to become known. Each one present
then had time to express their thoughts. We collected “buzzwords” and “ideas which
were discussed in depth. It was agreed to “sleep on it” and review the situation the
following day.
In the evening, we shared a wonderful and powerful Workshop on “Building Community
with Helga’s voice/choir/ bodywork teacher, Imke McMurtie. We enjoyed relaxation
exercises, touched each other’s bodies, connected and communicated – eventually
beautiful through three songs.
Saturday, 17th September 2016.
We had an Open session to which the people of the communities around the area had
been invited, and also the local press. Helga had prepared the ground, having been
very active in publicising the event via a newspaper article, a radio interview and sessions
with children in two schools
There was a very proactive well-prepared journalist, who asked important questions.
It was clear to everyone that this type of session is very important, both for the public
and for us. It confirmed for us how much we, as “grandmothers”, are needed; how
important the work is that we have set out to do.
There were many very emotional moments. Much gratitude was expressed by those
present and special links for the future were made! It became clear to us, that opening
the circle to the world is necessary and should proceed; but slowly, in stages. This was
a beautiful start of this process!
In the afternoon, our effort was directed towards the future of the circle. There was no
doubt we want to continue as a Council. Having finalised the a draft of our “Intent”
(See Appendix 1), we moved on to discuss how long would be required for the gestation
and birthing of the next meeting. Following a voting process, we decided it should be
9 month.
Everyone was delighted when Vibeke our grandmother sister from Norway invited us
to Trondheim, Norway. A date was chosen: 22nd – 25th June 2017.
Publicity and finances were then discussed. It was noted that we need a website, it
costs money! Irene, our grandmother sister from Switzerland very generously offered
to pay for the creation of a website, to honour a legacy of her parents. Honouring the
ancestors was a theme that cropped up again and again.
In the evening Monika Abendroth gathered us around a sacred fire, outdoors and we
expressed our gratitude and asked for blessings of the power of Transformation… Monika
accompanied us on harp and created Divine sounds.
We had a voluntary open session with Guests presented by Helga at her home. The
Theme was “The Importance of the Grandmothers in Family and Community Life.”
Comment from Swami Nitya.
Many people expressed how this second meeting differed from the first. It resembled
a family meeting; – getting together with people we had shared/lived with over time.
There was a great feeling of familiarity with each other. We did achieve our aim of
becoming closer. We are knitted together closer. We have become a true Council of
Sisters, and that includes those who were there, “only” in their subtle body! With
confidence we continue.
Swami Nitya / MaryAnne Gosling
1st November 2016
Appendix 1
First Draft Intent of the Council of European Grandmothers
We come together in the shared understanding of the Oneness from which allcreation stems.
We are aware that we live in a world that needs the life affirming values of Compassion and Love re-awakened
We intend to re-discover and retrieve the timeless wisdom that resides deep in each of us and to share this wisdom with our world, especially with the next generations
Our aim is to contribute to revive the awareness of the deep relationship with Nature
Watch Latest Council Meeting Video here
Click here for full length video of council meeting: full length video
Vision: Respect and treat equally all living beings. A happier, healthier, peaceful and grateful humanity.
Work local and see global
- Green perspective
- Sharing/teaching: good will. Network connected to other networks
- Sharing stories
- Strengthen the circle/make the circle visible: communication campaign, film, spot (inspirational)
- Build local circles to support the GMs
- Collection of key messages
- It needs to be done, it speaks to me, I should do something
- We feel ready for responsibilities
- Simplicity and harmony, trust in intuition and ability to create a more harmonious space for ourselves and others
- Love, warmth and generosity
- The way of the heart, through the friendship/teaching of the life process
- Having confidence in the inner voice and be with the people you should at that time
- Trust the present moment with respect to the ?
- For life. To make a difference.
- The female energy should do it (for men and women) to rebalance
- To challenge people to think in a new way
- Teachings from the heart, but arguments from science
- We teach people to rest so they can go beyond brain and habits.
- Groups should not be closed, yet stable
- We need to be inspired
- We have to promote tolerance (in ourselves and others) (all kind of tolerance).
- For the next generations
- To create culture that includes caring
- To be aware of what influences us
- For Mother Earth (nature)
- For the children of the Earth
- For empowering the balance of feminine/masculine principle
- To think first about our actions. i.e. what I am buying, eating ,creating, education
- To change our actions
- To share it with others
- Be an example
- Ask fundamental questions, wherever we are and who ever we meet
- Raising awareness
- Introduce mindfulness: meditation
- Meet people with your heart and learn to deeply listen
- We need to know/understand what the other want to do, need
- We need to know each other and build trust
- List of what I can offer to other Grandmothers and what do I need
- Listen to Grandmothers step by step.
- Support list of skill sets and experiences to support each other
- Truth and trust/compassion
- Communication/knowledge
- Transparency
- Support/funds/strengths
- Enthusiasm and Love
- Listen to our own intuition
- Total integrity
- Surrender
- Self confidence
- Gratitude
- Self Esteem
- Willingness to let go and to receive
- Flexibility
- Openness
- Empathy
- Reach out to each other and beyoned…
- Seek each other’s skills
- Amplify objectives with trustworthy women
- In harmony with myself, I reach all others
- Sharing our gifts with women / all ages who wish
- Regional circles – one/two/ persons to send reps
- Fundraisers – to give and to receive
- Meditation
- Inner voice
- Love/support
We need to be human and an example for the surroundings.
Have to listen to higher guidance to solve problems of today
Find true love and peace through meditation, stress the spiritual life.
Collect rubbish from the seaside to help waters and animals (whatever happens to the earth happens to us as we are a part of her).
Become who we are (respecting the 5 elements)
We are the voice of the voiceless.
We want to serve humanity to balance female and male qualities.
Whatever we do we radiate by it and do it with love.
Trust and remember the Spirit.