9th Council Meeting – Wildhaus/ Switzerland- Feb 2024

9th Council Meeting – Wildhaus/ Switzerland- Feb 2024

Hosts: Grandmother Elisabeth Wille and Irene Keller Gubler. Delegates from Switzerland in the Council of European Grandmothers

Official report and Summary of the Council Meeting 

Date: 1 – 5 February 2024. 
Topic: LIGHT
Present: Grandmothers: Aldona, Bette, Elisabeth, Erika, Irene, Madeleine, MaryAnne, Monika, Isabel, Wenche

Absent: Grandmothers: Beate, Helga, Pascale, Sabina, Swami Nitya, Toni
In Attendance: Sophia Clemenceau. 
Place: Wildhausen https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/wildhaus/  
Accommodation/Lunch/Dinner: at B&B Schönenboden www.schoenenboden.ch
Photos: Down below – after the text report – Photographer on most posts: ARIANE ELSHOF

Internal Council Meeting February 1-4

1st evening – Thursday February 1, 2024
Irene welcomed us with the sound of the Alphorn to our meeting room. Elisabeth and
Irene introduced the location, the program for these few days and a presentation on
the topic LIGHT.  Then a welcome and opening Ceremony.

Friday February 2, 2024
Council organization; internal work day
MaryAnne introduced us to the Celtic light celebration of Imbolc which is celebrated
in Ireland and in other countries on the 1 st February each year.
Wenche presented the birth horoscope of the European Council.

Some of the visitors were with us when we had the pleasure to meet Sonja
Morgenegg, professional Singer and Yodeller. She gave a small workshop to teach
the techniques and the old communication traditions of Swiss Yodelling and taught
us a yodel to the Sunrise. 

We took a Cable Car to Gamplüt for a reflection and walk in the mountains. 

Council organisation internal work continued.
Dialog, meditation and a circle on the reflection on the topic – LIGHT :

  1. Where has your light led you for this incarnation?
  2. What quality do you embody with your light?
  3. What are you using your light for now?
    Sophia gave a meditation journey and briefly presented the teachings of the Council of Elders of the 13 Moons.

Saturday February 3, 2024
Council internal organization development day
Erika and Madeleine hosted practices for the Council’s step into the next now. They
also held a circle dialogue about practical and organization matters and a dialog about the report from the Council Meetings 1-8 that Toni had prepared for the 9th Council.

Isabel Livingston gave a short conference on permaculture for the Council.
Eliot L Wilson and Brit gave a short introduction about his passive habitat project-
 https://futur.earth- Living and housing system. 

Internal Council Meeting continued
Aldona gave a meditation with a short body and focus preparation.
Council internal organization developing day continued with Erika and Madeleine
leading practices for the Councils next step. 
Process to find our next step into the “next now”: 
We decided to go in a new direction for the next council meeting. It was agreed to
Go East and organize a council in a new country. A council working group was
formed to prepare the location, flow and format for the next council meeting in
September 2024. The 2025 council meeting is planned for Ireland in 2025. Denmark
and Belgium are also in the dialog for next coming Council Meetings.
Circle dialog; practical and organization matters.
Closing the Council internal meeting

Saturday February 3, 2024, evening 

Official activity

Fire ceremony.
By the lake Schönenbodensee and at the foot of the Alpsstein we held a peace fire.
People from different areas in Switzerland arrived in the evening and participated.
The fire was set up by Dieter. The ceremony was guided by Monika and Elisabeth. It
was a beautiful, strong, hopeful and warm ceremony under the stars. 

Sunday February 4, 2024

Official Day

Open day with lectures and exchange 9 am -17 pm
Premises/local:  The Municipal hall of Wildhaus: Chuchitobel Opening ceremony 
The Grandmothers made a Circle and sang their song; “There is no time but now” as
an opening ceremony.
Elisabeth Wille welcomed everyone and introduced the programme for the day and
the European Council of Grandmothers. Each grandmother introduced herself briefly and spoke about one of the Council meetings and the theme addressed, year by year since its creation. 

After the introduction there were lectures on:
“Being born into the Light. Loss of twins – personal experience from the prenatal period”; Elisabeth Wille
The importance of the first 1000 days of life from the prenatal period. Potential of us
grandparents during this time; Irene Keller Gubler.

“Why love is stronger than violence”; Christa Dregger

Away from world events, even in crisis areas, communities and villages of the future
are emerging And living a reality of peace that is (still) a utopia globally. Christa
showed us the healing effect of the ‘peace research community of Tamera’ and the
alliance ‘Defend the Sacred’ with their non-violent and spiritually holistic life models.
A new culture is becoming visible here.


Lunch: Together public and Grandmothers mingled and enjoyed lunch
in restaurant “Alpstein”

President of the organisation Klima Seniorinnen Rosmarie Wydler–Wälti presented
“Why we need the Klima Seniorinnen”.
The association KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz with over 2,500 members aged 65+, who
is suing the federal government in Switzerland because female seniors are
particularly affected by global warming. The lawsuit was rejected by all instances in
Switzerland. They have now submitted a lawsuit to the European Court of Justice
For Human Rights in Strassburg. https://en.klimaseniorinnen.ch


“Two Nordic Stories relating to the Light”- Norrsken, Aurora Borealis
Due to the hurricane in northern Norway Beate Heide, Sami delegate could not
travel to Switzerland. Wenche Nordberg from Denmark/Norway gave the Story of
Northern Lights in North Scandinavia. Where the sky sometimes turns into
blue/green flames dancing on the floor of the sky and what one of the many stories
says about this wondrous light.

Eliot L Wilson told us about his passive habitat project: Futur – Living and housing
systems that strive to make a life in harmony with the Earth
possible. https://futur.earth

Dialog with The European Grandmothers together with the Public/Visitors/Guest/Lectures – The
living climate and how to expand light in our time.

-What we can all do to support development in the world. Questions
and dialog about The Council’s work. The Council of Grandmothers intentional
vision. How each of us and all people together can help peace find a place on earth
and in life. About the Grandmothers’ work together with young people in different
countries. Why it’s not only important to the Council what we do, but also so
important to us how we do things. This means also that efforts at a private and local
level change at a global level and vice versa. Question and answers about what
people contribute to provide space and support for The Council of European
Grandmothers’ work in Europe.
There was a lot of dialog and flow during the days about going east to Poland as a
next step. One of the visitors also inspired the Council to go to Poland and offered
connections there for the Council 2024. 

The Hosts for the Official part of the conference in the City Hall – Grandmother
Elisabeth and Irene – thanked the audience for participating. We closed with the
Circle all together “there is no time but now”. 

Internal Closing meeting back at B&B Schönenboden
Closing Council Meeting Switzerland February 2024

Sophia – delegate from France – becomes a new member of the Council. Then we
made a summary of the days in Switzerland 2024. The Hosts, Irene and Elisabeth,
thanked all for the Council Meeting days and we all thanked them for the great days
in the beautiful nature of Wildhaus and the Swiss Alps. Closing Ceremony.
We also want to give a big thank you to the municipality of Wildhaus, who received
us and supported our council meeting in Switzerland.

A big thank you…

…to Priska Wenk and her team in B&B Schönenboden and the
fantastic hospitality, service and food during our stay and also to Tina Lackstätter the
Chef in the kitchen some of the days. Many thanks to Eliot and Cornelia for their
translation work. To Eva for her helping during the whole time, and to Ariane for the
photos. Many thanks also to everyone who helped in various ways and thanks for all
the support of donations in various ways to support the Council meeting in
Switzerland and the European Grandmothers work through the gifts. And thank you to all the visitors, guests and lectures.

/The Council of European Grandmothers


Christa Dregger Journalist at “Zeitpunkt article about the organisation and the Council Meeting in Schweiz 
 “…I found something very valuable in this
group: a deep kindness combined with a lot of competence! How often does
competition and the pressure to gain recognition dominate in political circles! Not
here. Patience and caring are important qualities of the European Grandmothers.
But that alone would not do them justice: clarity, foresight and willpower are also part
of it, as I discovered.

The hours in this group made it clear to me once again why some anthropologists
say that only the presence of women after childbearing age made cultural
development possible: only if there are women who are not directly concerned with
their offspring, but rather with their care and with the focus on the whole tribe or
community can a culture look beyond immediate needs. They meet every nine
The ninth meeting was organized by the two Swiss delegates – Elisabeth Wille and
Irene Keller Gubler – and took place from 1 to 5 February in Wildhaus. As February
2 is a holiday dedicated to the rebirth of light in different cultures (“Imbolc”, “Light
Fair”), the theme this time was “Light…”. 

Read the whole article here in German:https://zeitpunkt.ch/chapeau-fuer-
den-rat-der-europaeischen-grossmuetter . (More articles and films about
the Council and the next Council Meeting you can find
here: https://councileugrandmothers.eu/news/)

Read the whole article here in German:https://zeitpunkt.ch/chapeau-fuer-den-rat-der-europaeischen-grossmuetter . (More articles and films about the Council and the next Council Meeting you can find here: https://councileugrandmothers.eu/news/)

Picture Gallery: Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF

11 of the 17 delegates in the Council of European Grandmothers – Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF

Fire Keeper – Grandmother Elisabeth & Monika
Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF
Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF
Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF
Irish delegate – Grandmother Maryanne Gosling
Ariane – Isabel – Brit
Eliot L Wilson
Photographer ARIANE ELSHOF
8th Council Meeting Spain April 2023

8th Council Meeting Spain April 2023

Official report

Council of European Grandmothers

Council Meeting in Spain – Christalera de Miraflores, Madrid 

April 19-21 2023

Present: Grandmothers: Aldona, Bette, Elisabeth, Erika, Irene, Isabel, MaryAnne, Monika, Pascal, Sabina, Swami Nitya, Tina, Toni, Wenche,

Absent: Grandmothers:Beate, Daiva, Helga, Madeleine, Mary, Sofia, Soizig

The Council of European Grandmothers

Wednesday, 19th Thursday, 20th April 2023 Wednesday, 19th Thursday, 20th April 2023

The grandmothers met for two days on their own, focusing on the theme of Death and its various facets; Connections to the traditions of the various European countries; Approaches and the personal views of each Grandmother on the subject. Together they approached and examined Death – where everything stands still. There was a diversity of understandings based on each Grandmother’s personal experience and the traditions of her country. 

The programme of their days together also covered items for dialogue about our common present situation, and the steps into the future of the Council in a time of upheaval for the world and Europe. There were also practical items regarding the organization of the Council. The grandmothers each reflected and shared their positions.

A decision was taken to invite Sophia Clemenceau from France to come next year as a guest to visit and participate in the group.  This follows the agreed method of expanding the membership of the Council of European Grandmothers.

MaryAnne and Erika

Christalera de Miraflores – Madrid

Public Events

Friday, 21st April 2023

A small gathering opening Ceremony took place. Grandmother Wenche from Denmark gave a Talk on Astrology, with particular emphasis on the role that the Planet Pluto, with his transformative power, is playing in all our lives at the present time.   Her paper on “The Approach to the Stars”  can be accessed in downloadable pdf as the end of this report.

Zuzka Cortes expressed her  deeply touching encounter with death in Flamenco Dancing.

Alexandria Oleinika and Alexia Wulfer-Buldenka read some of their poems.  We got the emphasis but not the wordly content, for the reading was done in Spanish.

The official Opening Ceremony took place in the Miraflores Theatre in the evening. Grandmother Swami Nitya began on the stage by calling in the five elemental energies.

Grandmother Sabina performed the Dance of Death.

The Grandmothers individually introduced themselves to the audience.

Grandmother Tina gave a talk on the Spirituality of the Palaeolithic Woman and its repercussion in our days.

Fiona Issler elaborated on this using ancient and modern Art Sculptures.

Saturday, 22nd April 2023

Following Meditation with Exercises, after breakfast the Grandmothers and guests went in procession to a field by the river, where Grandmother Monika led a Water Ceremony where the council members contributed waters brought from their countries – a water gathering ritual. Which was then presented to the River for circulation for the good of the Earth.

Grandmothers Swami Nitya, Tina, and Isabel offered their Reflections on this year’s topic: Death. (More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report).

One of the visitors from America, shared her personal experience of what is called a Near-Death Experience.

After lunch and time for conviviality, We listened to a Viola de Gamba Concert Recital by Pere Ros.

This was followed by three round Table dialogs where questions were put into the dialog from

  • Swami Nitya, concerning the transformation by death
  • Tina, concerning Transhumanism
  • Isabel, concerning practical issues of death

After dinner; there was singing, dancing, and sharing around an Outdoor Fire.

Sunday, 23rd April 2023

After breakfast following Meditation with Exercises, there was a Silent Walk through the mountains, honouring Mother Earth.

Afterwards, Grandmother MaryAnne spoke about the Importance of Food for Life – Body, Mind and Soul.  More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report).

Grandmother Pascal led a Butterfly Meditation. More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report.

Lola Roma presented information on the Sweet Revolution. More details available in a downloadable pdf at the end of this report.

This was followed by a Closing Ceremony 



ATTACHED FILE pdf: 5 Speech and Meditations from the Council Meeting in Spain.

ATTACHED FILE: Tina Lindhard article – Modern-Day Globalization:

ATTACHED FILE pdf: Tina Lindhard article – Paleolithic Women’s Spirituality and its Relevance to us Today


7th Council Meeting Södertälje/Sweden 2022

7th Council Meeting Södertälje/Sweden 2022

The Council of European Grandmothers

Official report of the 7th Council Meeting in Sodertalje, Jarna, Sweden

Topic: Life

Host: Grandmother Madeleine Söderström

Present: Grandmother: Aldona, Beate, Bette, Elisabeth, Erika, Helga, Isabel, Irene, Madeleine, MaryAnne, Monika, Pascale, Soizig, Tina 

Absent: Grandmother: Daiva, Mary, Sabina, Sofia, Swami Nitya, Toni, Vibeke, Wenche

Date: Official part. Friday 17th – Sunday 19th June 2022

Friday morning, 17 th of June

The Grandmothers met for the first time in three years due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid19 pandemic. A morning walk together down to the ponds in Ytterjärna Trädgårdspark.  “A garden meets a park that meets a landscape” it says about this place – Ytterjärna Conference Center –  a bit outside Järna by the Baltic sea, 5 miles south of the Capital Stockholm. After the walk a internal opening ceremony for the European Grandmothers.

Opening Ceremony

On Friday evening the Official Opening Ceremony took place in the 900 year old St.Ragnild’s Church in the centre of Södertälje.

When women and men from Ukraine, Russia, Finland, Norway, Sapmi, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Lithuania, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Iran, Peru, Chile, and Africa had taken their seats, and silence fell, the fanfare for Life and Peace was raised by Mathilda Lindgren. After this a Reconciliation ceremony between genders, generations, cultures/people and Mother Earth was held in four steps and in between music, storytelling, speech and poem.

The heart of this was a touching and courageous ritual of forgiving between the male and the female, performed by Grandmother Madeleine and Martin Winter in front of the altar. Swedish musicians contributed with songs and instrumental pieces of music. Madeleine Söderström commemorated women´s suffrage in Sweden, drawing on the fact that Sweden is now entering the 101st year as the beginning of a new circle.

The ceremony ended with a huge circle of women and young people, using the whole space of the church. It was symbolically and practically completed by the men stepping in. Together we sang “Circle of Life“.

Music/talk:Ebba Svensson & Jonathan Ed. Tobias Fjälling & Daniel Lundbäck. Mathilda Lindgren. Siri Lundström. Beate Heide. Gestalta: Martin D Winter, European Grandmothers and the audienceHost: Madeleine Söderström. Malin Sommanö. Hanna Lönneborg. Gunilla Gustavsson. Marlen Ablahad Eskander  Aili Lundström, 10 år

Saturday – Sunday 18 th – 19 th of June

Council Dialog in three parts:

We investigated the following questions:

1.What is life and the conditions of life?

2. How is the life support system of which we are currently a part perceived; in

finance/banking, law, nature & wildlife, children, water, business, politics, government?

3. What do we do now so that nurturing life becomes important and the basis for the

development of sustainable life systems and social systems?

A diverse group of 40 women and men of different ages, ranging from their 20’s to their 90’s, from different parts of society and 12 European countries, took part in this  dialog together with the Grandmothers.

The idea was to build a safe field of research, where the diversity of people was able to be included as a whole person with a respected voice, as per the Credo of the European Grandmothers: “Everybody has the Wisdom to Support and Maintain a Sustainable World for the next 7 generations.“

Maria Bergbäck guided us expertly through a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication processes, involving movement and body postures, where we shared what is blocking life processes and what is supporting them. We began as individuals, progressed to duo’s then trio’s, etc. For example we identified with major protagonists including: “big bank“, “government“, “nature“, “science“, “children” and explored the limitations and possibilities of these systems from an insider point of view.

The second day – Sunday – was Harvest Day.

The dialog participants formed groups out of their inspiration on: „How can I bring something forward that supports the living system?“ Some Grandmothers supported the process with their centered energy by sitting in meditation.

Short summary of the dialog:

  • Not being angry at the system
  • Being aware that you are part of the Golden Net of Light/Life
  • Radical act of being at peace with „what is“ – is necessary
  • Things are complicated, but imagine, it is simple
  • Communication in tolerance and acceptance
  • The importance of listening to others and voluntarily changing perspectives.
  • Helping each other to listen to what we can collectively live up to.
  • Helping each other move to a field where we are able and willing to support the living system together.
  • Realize that you are a creator
  • A mutual love relationship with all that is giving us life and meet your own life process with love every morning.

Midsummer time in Järna, Sveden…..Abundance of light, joy and exitement. To this the side programme was a great match. It surrounded the heart of our meeting, the investigation of, “how can we support life, what are the acupuncture points?“ like a bed of flowers.

Other activities and ceremonies during the days

Saturday – Sunday 18th and 19th June

Womens gathering with Dagomara Ullman close to the see. We received symolically the seeds of life in the

form of vivid Marigold seeds.

Visiting the Reading Promotion Institute, bridgebuilder between cultures 

Friday afternoon we met founder Marlen Ablahad Eskander, who reported about her work to support successful integration of immigrants into Svedish society by written and spoken word. LINK

Morning meditations

Water ceremony with Grandmother Erika Völker-Elshof

Outdoor meditation with Cellist Eva Fasth in the Rosegarden


Midwife Elisabeth Ubbe : The first seconds of life on earth plus talk

Artist Elisabeth Cardell: Creativity

Photographer Tom Jonasson: The forest, the forest, the forest

German Artist Eike Eschholz : Walfahrt project plus talk

Artist Ute Drexel: The beauty and magic of nature

Lecture and talk on the theme of ‘END ECOCIDE’ – as leverage and support for life, society, climate, nature and business conditions. With systemic activist Pella Thiel,  Swedish: Link to End Ecocide Sweden English: https://www.stopecocide.earth

Silent walk in nature by Malin Sommanö and Tobias Fjälling

Storytelling by Isa Tibbling, Sweden and Sami Grandmother Beate Heide

Circle peace dance led by Kirsten Nistedt 

Closing Ceremony – Walking the spiral


We plant the seed of life and also the context of the Council dialog into a Closing Ceremony.

A huge spiral made of hay, was located beside our venue.

Two grandmothers as gatekeepers invited each person to enter. Everyone picked a flower from a bouquet, which had brightened up our conference room, and walked in a dignified pace towards the centre. There she/he laid down the flower; then stayed for a moment until the impulse to leave led them to stride out of the spiral-to regroup in the circle and draw the conference to a close.

A big Thank You to Grandmother Madeleine and Edda Sweden and to all who contributed to this beautiful Midsummer Council Meeting!

Programme Documents

Se hela programmet här: (SV)   

View full programme (EN)

Picture Gallery

Mathilda Lindgren and Tobias Fjälling. Så skimrande var aldrig havet/never was the sea so shimmering; by Evert Taube

The Swedish team thanks you for visiting our country and sharing your wisdom with our wisdom and your determination to support life on our earth for the next seven generations. 

Summer night in June - Sweden

We send a big warm thank you to all the visitors from all the countries and the Town Södertälje.
Thank you to all the women and men from who supported this event in various ways:
Siri Lundström, Aili Lundström, Malin Sommenö, Eva Fasth, Hanna Lönneborg, Gunilla Gustavsson, Marlen Ablahad Eskander, Maria Bergbäck, Isa Tibbling, Elisabet Cardell, Dagomara Danza Ullman, Ebba Svensson, Petronella Sjöö, Tobias Fjälling, Mathilda Lindgren, Daniel Lundbäck,
Jonathan Ed, Anette Arenberg, Anna Gran, YIP and to Ytterjärna Conference center and Foodculture/Matkultur.
Thank you to the film team: Martin D Winter and Frank Pelwitz

Until we meet again, let us all continue planting and take good care of the seeds of Life
The Council of the European Grandmothers

6th Council Meeting – Reykjavik/Island 2019

6th Council Meeting – Reykjavik/Island 2019

Impressions of the 6th Meeting held in Reykjadalur i Mosfellsdal, Iceland from 19th to 22nd September 2019, Topic – Peace
International Peace Day in Collaboration with the UN in Iceland

We all experienced this meeting on the island in the middle of the North Atlantic as being so special. Was it because of the topic “peace” itself, with which we connected intensely in advance? Was it the rhythm of the program which took up the pulse of bringing consciousness inward in form of meditation and outward by expressing ourselves internally and in public? (This we experienced so obviously after evening meditations when words came out of silence like lotus flowers rising from the depth of a lake.) Was it because more than half of the grandmothers were involved this time in creating and guiding parts of the program? Was it due to the 15 guests who gave their hearty contributions and attention? Was it the parts played by art, which addressed our soul and senses: Watching a huge scales loaded with burning pieces of wood in the darkness of a stormy night; Being touched by a peace poem, created as gift for this meeting; Listening to Monika playing the harp introducing morning and evening meditations; Tasting energizing colourful herbal drinks? Or being surrounded by warm water heated by the powers of Mother Earth? All of this happened during a weekend, while 1,4 million people worldwide were protesting to stop climate change. This truly allowed the enfolding of a vibrant field in which the topic “Peace” cycled around in many variations…..


Aldona, Beate, Bette, Daiva, Elisabeth, Erika, Helga, Irene, Isabel, Madeleine, Maria, MaryAnne, Mary, Monika, Sabina, Sissy, Soizig, Tina, Toni, Vibeke, Wenche.

In Attendance:
Nolwenn and 15 guests

With us in spirit:
Swami Nitya



There was great joy for all of us meeting after 9 months. Our venue was a holiday spot for disabled children, located between green mountains with a warm pool and hot tub in the back.


Opening Ritual
Monika, our host grandmother, presented a colourful Peace Staff, which she and her friend, Guðfinna had prepared. It was Blessed by each of us and given a Place of Honour.

Each of us brought an Offering for the Peace Altar.

The Peace Poem, a gift from Kristján Hreinsson to the European Grandmother Council, was read by Monika in Icelandic and by Soizig in English

Í friði lifir fögur sál
Sem finnur lífsins mildi,
Sem skynjar hjartans hlýja bál
Og heimsins traustu gildi.

Og friðurinn er festa manns
Sem faðmlag kann að bjóða
Sem nýtur þess að náðin hans
Hún nær til allra þjóða.

Því viska friðar virkar best
Ef vilt þú úlfúð sefa
Og hefur það í huga flest
Sem hjartað kann að gefa.

Kristján Hreinsson.

In peace lives a beautiful soul
that finds the gentleness of life,
that understands the heart’s warm flame
and the world’s most trusted values.

And peace is the determination of a man
who knows how to offer an embrace
who enjoys that his grace
reaches all the world’s nations.

For the wisdom of peace works the best
if you wish to soothen the controversy
and simply keep in mind all of that
the heart knows how to give.

(translation by PállÓskar)

All present were then requested to create a small Poster showing the word for Peace in their native Language.

Astrid’s Project
Astrid, a young teacher from Germany, who had been involved in the Grandmother Council in Germany 2016, was invited to share her experiences with a Peace Project, created by herself, in her school. She presented touching texts from her students about Peace. This generated an idea that Astrid would speak about one of her students, a girl from Syria at the Public meeting in Thjoðminjasafn, on the Peace day.

Grandmothers Meeting
After Lunch, the Grandmothers met in closed session and each presented a brief report on their work for Peace. These included:

  • Working for Peace and Reconciliation in war torn areas
  • Being a Voice for the voiceless
  • Developing Inner Peace
  • Human Rights
  • Conservation and Bio Diversity
  • The Influence of the Collective Consciousness
  • Working with Refugees
  • Releasing balloons for Peace
  • Climate Change
  • Peace being an Experience
  • Resuscitation of the Feminine Principle
  • Health Challenges
  • Encouraging Inner Growth in others
  • Using Storytelling
  • Meditation
  • Overcoming conditionings
  • Challenges of accepting the ‘What Is’ of the moment and going with the flow.

Walfahrt Project
After a short Break, Eike joined the meeting to update the council on her Walfahrt project. She intends to have the series of 13 books complete for a Launch in October 2021 at Germany’s largest private Art Gallery at Eckernförde near Kiel on the Baltic Sea.

Fire Ceremony
In the evening Gerhard König, the inventor of what is called a Fire Scales, demonstrated the balancing act of Nature’s yearly cycle between the Masculine and Feminine Energies.


Tuning in on the Theme of Peace by Meditation.

Peace Day Ceremony 1 in the town of Mosfellsbaer
In a circular building decorated with an Exhibition of paintings and sculptures concerning the topic “Peace” created by the children of the preschool Rjupnahaed, we were welcomed by two deputies from Mosfellsbaer and Kopavogsbaer. The principal Hrönn Valentinusdottir explained that the children were asked open questions about “Peace” in group meetings. Out of this they produced their paintings and stories.

The essence: In a safe and loving environment I can be with myself.

A choir of children from the preschools sang a Peace Song for us. Grandmother Sabina danced the story of Lily Butterfly, written by herself. read more …

Council Meeting 6

Peace Day Ceremony 2
In the afternoon, we went by bus to Reykjavik for the Opening of Peace Day in Thjodminjasafn by the former Chairman of the United Nations Association (U.N.A.), Thröstur Freyr Gylfason.

Council Meeting 6
Council Meeting 6

Each of the Grandmothers identified themselves, and 4 of them spoke about their personal Peace Projects. Helga spoke about Inner peace read more …, Irene spoke about her support for refugees read more …, Beate spoke about the suppression of Sami people in Norway read more … and Elisabeth spoke about her work with refugees. read more … Astrid shared a little of her Peace Project with refugee children and read a letter from a Syrian girl. read more …

Pall Oskar, Monika´s musician partner, summarized the content of the songs in English before he sang and Monika played the Harp for us

Council Meeting 6
Council Meeting 6

One hour Peace Walk through Reykjavik
Our Sami Grandmother carried the Peace Stuff ahead.

Council Meeting 6
Council Meeting 6

When we returned home, Monika had a surprise in store – a Rainbow Drinks Party by the pool, prepared by Aslaug Snorradottir, who had created Colourful non-alcoholic Herbal Drinks, which were most refreshing.

Council Meeting 6
Council Meeting 6
Council Meeting 6


Council Meeting 6


Following Meditation and Breakfast, we headed off by bus to Reykjanes for a Ritual. For many of us it was the first time we left the city precincts. Very suddenly the city vanished and the real landscape of Iceland, so very different and so very stark and beautiful, appeared.

Ritual – Invocation of the Elements
Led by the Peace Staff, we formed into a large circle and called in the Four Elements:
Earth from the North by Monika (Iceland)
Water from the West by Mary (Ireland)
Fire from the South by Isabel (Spain)
Air from the East by Daiva (Lithuania)
Maria (Europe) called in the Centre. All present offered Gratitude and Prayers to Mother Earth.

Council Meeting 6


After lunch back at base the Grandmothers met in Closed Session to discuss the Future.

Grandmothers Meeting 2020 – 7th Meeting
Following discussion, it was agreed that the 7th Meeting of the Council will take place in Sweden from 19th to 22nd June 2020. The Proposed Topic will be Life – How to Support Life – Inner Life – Motherhood and the Feminine Principle.

Closing Ritual
Grandmothers and guests completed our meeting by performing the “Daughters and Sons of the Earth”- Ritual, guided by Erika.


After dinner we listened to Ragnheiðu Ólafsdottir, who sang very Old Icelandic songs without instruments – Kveðskapur. She is preserving an Old Icelandic tradition.

Alongside the official program we saw a huge rainbow, we were surprised whom we met in the pool at daybreak, we had some very trustful talks and we laughed until we curled up.

We were embraced by a cheerful field of peace which nourished every day the space to be our SELF.

A big Thank You to Monika and all supporters in the background!

Erika, Mary-Anne
Fotos: Laura Calletti

5th Meeting:  Birštonas/Lithuania 18 – 21 of January 2019

5th Meeting: Birštonas/Lithuania 18 – 21 of January 2019


Aldona, Beate, Bette, Daiva, Elizabeth, Erika, Helga, Irene, Isabel, Madeleine, Maria, MaryAnne, Mary, Monika, Pascale, Sabina, Sissy, Sofia, Soizig, Swami, Tina, Toni, Vibeke, Wenche.

Apology: Christine.
Guest: Gudrun

The Council of European Grandmothers meets every 9 months in one of the member countries, with the aim of continuing to strengthen our capacity to stay connected to the natural Wisdom that knows how to support and maintain a sustainable world for the next seven generations.

A theme of the conference is chosen in advance. Each grandmother prepares for this in her own unique way and shares her findings with the Council and the people in the host country. Rituals form a major part of each gathering and, together with events and dialogs, are organized by a team led by the grandmother of the host country. In this way, each meeting is a gift for both the host country and the visitors. It also helps us to support our daily work in our home countries for a sustainable world.

In January 2019 we met in Lithuania. Our theme was Sound and was organised by Aldona and Daiva. The rituals in the conference focused on Water, Minerals and Ether.



Council Meeting 5

It was such a lovely reunion in Hotel Domus in Birštonas. Arriving in this beautiful spot with the snow, the trees and the river all the grandmothers got together. We gathered in the meeting room, Daiva gave us all a hearty welcome, but we were all sorry to learn, that Aldona was sick and not able to be there for the welcoming ceremony.

We began our Ceremony by lighting a beautiful beeswax Candle provided by Aldona. Daiva initiated our ritual opening ceremony by explaining her personal understanding about the 5 material elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether before going around the group on her knees offering each of us an opportunity to bless Water in our own special way. As Lithuania is one of the world’s producers of Amber, we participated in a similar blessing ceremony with a bowl of Amber crystals of varying sizes.

Council Meeting 5

We also participated in the traditional Welcoming Guests with a sharing of their sacred Black Lithuanian Black Bread, and Salt.

Then we walked in procession in the dark to the snow-covered river, Nemunus, and ceremoniously offered our water to the river. In the Lithuanian tradition Nemunas is the father of Lithuanian rivers (his name comes from the Sanskrit word Munis which translate as wise). The Nemunas flows into the lagoon, and the lagoon into the sea, so we symbolically gave our water to our father to carry it to the sea.

After the ceremony we enjoyed a lovely dinner in Hotel Domus, and then gathered for a short meeting and Meditation.


In the morning Sabina led the grandmothers through the “Morning Movement Exercises”. Influenced by her life of dancing she showed us beautiful ways of awakening the body and becoming fit for the day.

After breakfast we had our first Closed meeting. In the circle we all shared with each other what had happened since last meeting. The theme of this meeting was “SOUND”, so we also shared our thoughts about this. “What is your sound?” “What is the sound of your family?- of your country?” The contributions included:

  • Sound to me is the world of people, places and things.
  • Sound; baby’s being born, their first cry,
  • Music coming out of a radio – Happy, sad, dance music.
  • Trees full of birds singing, leaves rustling in the wind.
  • Sound is energy! Energy is all around us. It is everywhere even in silence…
  • Sound for me is an inner vibration and a wave of joy and I have this special feeling especially if I am together with children, with nature and sometimes in my daily life. At this moment I think I am in contact with my beginning, my element, the ancestors.

In the Afternoon, we had first of two opportunities to meet the people who had responded to an open invitation to meet the Council of European Grandmothers. An “Open singing seminar with Lithuanian folk singers” was arranged for us in Birštonas Community House by the non-governmental organization Bočiai with their leader Julija Barutiené.

Council Meeting 5

A mixed group of females and males of a variety of ages had come to meet with us, and we all enjoyed the young singer from Vilnius, Laurita Peleniūtė, who taught us to chant Lithuanian folk songs, called Sutartines, which are in UNESCO heritage list.


Council Meeting 5

Sutartinės (from the word sutarti – to be in concordance) is a form of polyphonic music. Laurita Peleniūtė and her friends did a fantastic job with us and created a warm and nice atmosphere for us all.

Council Meeting 5

This afternoon showed us how very important sound is to Lithuania, and how it provides connection between people. We did not know each other when we started and after 30 minutes of singing the large group of people from 18 different European countries felt connected.

Sound is also important for cultures all over the word. The song and sound are both different and also the same worldwide. It was a great opportunity to speak direct, or through a translator, to the people who had come to meet us.

Council Meeting 5
Council Meeting 5

Later on Saturday afternoon we had the possibility of trying out the different facilities in Birštonas.

Some grandmothers enjoyed a mineral spa treatment, sauna or a massage or found pleasure in walking in the snow-covered landscape.

Saturday was rounded off with a good dinner and the evening meditation ceremony.


Council Meeting 5

After breakfast Aldona had arranged a bus to take us to Kaunas, where we visited the Prana Yoga Center.

The yoga teachers all met us in the circle, and it was a great pleasure to learn about this place and the background for their work here. They were interested to learn more of the aims of the Council of European Grandmothers.

Council Meeting 5

Over a fantastic vegan lunch for us by the Prana Yoga Centre, we had the opportunity to share more informally.

Council Meeting 5

We finished in the circle singing together.

Next stop on the program in Kaunas was the Museum of the famous painter, composer and writer M.K. Čiurlionis. Here we had a guided tour around the museum and enjoyed his paintings.

Council Meeting 5

This was followed by the second Open Public Session where we met a mostly female audience from the Community. We were treated to some of the beautiful music of M.K. Čiurlionis and learned more about his life and paintings.

Council Meeting 5

Some of the grandmothers talked to the assembly and all the grandmothers introduced themselves. The public put questions to the council, which were answered to the best of our ability. Afterwards there was time for one-on-one conversations. Reporters from TV and a local newspaper were present to get some interviews of us.

Council Meeting 5

The weather was wintry and lovely as we later visited old Kaunas and strolled along the banks of the two frozen and snow covered rivers – Nemunas, which has a Male energy, and Neris, which has a female energy. We performed a Light and Singing Ceremony in a stone circle close to the point where the two rivers meet.

Finally we had a nice dinner at the vegetarian restaurant Radharane in Kaunas.

Council Meeting 5

On the walk there we had the opportunity to hear personal memories of life during the Russian occupation and learn how deeply the Lithuanians suffered, when they were not allowed to speak their own language and live their own culture. Thankfully, they now enjoy their freedom, to live and share the richness of their native country.


Council Meeting 5

Our final meeting took place in Birstonas in the Medical SPA Eglè. We reflected over and made a summary of this Council meeting and planned the next meeting in Iceland. We received a guided tour of the excellent facility and heard of all the benefits it offers for the Restoration of Health and Wellbeing. They work on the basis that we should all “Do good things to your body that your soul has joy to live in it.”

Council Meeting 5

After our meeting we had lunch at the Spa.

Then it was time to say goodbye and thank you to Aldona and Daiva and Lithuania for this lovely meeting in a very special country with very special people, of whom we now have a little more knowledge. A people and a country with a great and special story and history, which we also got to know. Thank you so much for having us.

A big Thank you also goes to

  • Lithuanian friends Šarūnas and Elona, Neringa and Edita
  • Aldona’s friend Eglė – our guide in Vilnius
  • Danute Kunciene who welcomed us in traditional dress in ancient Lithuanian way with bread and salt
  • Laura and Vilija (in museum) and Vaidas, who did a great job as translators
  • our permanent company Leo and our guest Gitta Gudrun for their love and support
  • Hade de Neve and other grandmothers for financial support
  • all the warm and interested Lithuanian people who treated us in such a natural and kind way

February/April 2019

4th Council Meeting: Florence/Italy 6 – 9 April 2018

4th Council Meeting: Florence/Italy 6 – 9 April 2018


Sabina, Erika, Madeleine, Irene, Elisabeth, Helga, Mary, Soizig, Sissy, Sofia, Vibeke, Maria, Swami, Tina, Isabella, Beate, Monika, Bette, Wenche, Aldona, Daiva, Christine and Toni.
Unfortunately MaryAnne was not able to come.

Guest: Pascual.


Council Meeting 4

All the grandmothers came travelling during Thursday and Friday to the beautiful spot of Ostello del Bigallo. On Friday around 5pm we were all enjoying a warm welcome from Sabina and her helpers in the lovely garden, an olive grove, where the traditional “Opening Ceremony” could take place. We all walked to the far end of the beautiful garden, where Helga guided us all in a quiet, peaceful and lovely ceremony, and we all blessed the water.
Then we went inside, had a nice dinner around the wooden tables in the wonderful environment of the old monastery. Hereafter we gathered in the big hall for our first meeting. Sabina welcomed us again and explained the plans for the coming days.


After breakfast we gathered again in the big hall, where Sabina initiated the meeting. The topic “Exploring the timeless Wisdom” – Traditions & Rituals – “What is a grandmother, then?” was introduced. We shared and debated in the circle. Everybody put forward statements and opinions. Here is a selection of quotes:

  • “Tradition is the link between human ….and the next generation”
  • “Traditions…experiment, find possibilities, be open….find new traditions”
  • “Wisdom (cosmic laws, which are everywhere) & traditions are totally different things. The connection between you – nature is a problem. We have lost the link. The parents have not been able to tell/give the great understanding, which goes beyond particular place.”
  • “grandmothers should talk to young people, where ever they meet in everyday life.”
  • “sitting on a park bench, being in a bus …..talk to the young people you meet!”
  • “children have lost the connection….”
  • “traditions are important. They become part of you, you understand who you are. People/refugees/immigrants without traditions can have hard time finding/understanding themselves”
  • “tradition is important, but not enough. You must decide, what part you will keep/pass on – and what part you will let go. Deep in the roots, you will find timeless wisdom. If you stay in traditions you cannot grow.”
  • “It`s a big inside work in our souls to know what you want to pass on”
  • “traditions come from the male and from the church”
  • “tradition is the Nature. We cannot change it. It is blessings of God, we cannot give it to others, we have it in us ….be in it”
  • “…about singing…in a women group (UNESCO) young people take up old folk songs”.
  • “….I feel blessed listening to us all (with brain and heart). Show young people: learning by doing. The key is: be kind to yourself and to others. It`s easy, the world will change.”
  • “knowledge: the wisdom of the heart – (just an old Greek interpretation, passed on in Europe) Wisdom is in each cell, love and passion, to pass on”
  • “We are all enlightened. We must show power (not weakness)”
  • “don`t forget : storytelling gives guidelines between feelings (woman) and brain (man). Don`t just use stories/pictures from films.”
  • “we/our generation is brought up with Nature. So, take the young generation to the forest, the sky, the sea…”
  • “we`re destroying our nature with garbage. Tell stories to the children to make them take responsibility.”
  • “my source of wisdom/inspiration is children. Use vinegar and soda instead of soap”
  • “The young people in Trondheim showed us how to connect and talked about what they needed.”
  • “it doesn`t have to be difficult, just to show the children wisdom”
  • “tradition: choose what you bring from your country – mix traditions.”
  • “wisdom: open up for the source, it`s easier when you get older.”
  • “I feel enriched….like a flying fish”

Sabina had invited a number of guest, and they joined us for the next parts of the Agenda. First was “Gong experience” by Elis, Eleonora and Silvia. These 3 talented young women really reached our senses and so did Nadeshwari with her beautiful song. Later we were all guided by Sabina in phenomenal “movement session”/”dances” to different rhythms, which in the finest ways gave us mentally and physically experiences in our body.

Eike Eschholz (and Petra) had travelled from Northern Germany to be with us. Eike told us about “The Walfahrt Project”. She had had this dream to find out about these grandmothers, she decided to get to know 13 of us, to make paintings characterizing the individual grandmothers and finally get it all together in a book. We learned that she had already met Helga, Sabina, Monika and Aldona and prepared 4 small books about these grandmothers. Eike’s lovely paintings are impressions, based on interviews concerning the questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • Where are you?
  • What do you say?

Learn more about Eikes project: http://www.eike-eschholz.de/walfahrt/

After another lovely dinner in the Ostello del Bigallo, the grandmothers had a circle meeting.


This Sunday we had all been looking forward to. We were going to Florence to meet Florence in “Sala degli Specchi” in Palazzo Medici Ricardi. It was the most beautiful place for a grandmother conference. The hall slowly was filled with men and women, young and old ones. Chairs were placed in a circle, where mostly grandmothers were sitting. Sabina and Nadeshwari moved and danced for us all. Such a splendid performance.

Sara Funaro, councilor of equal opportunities in Florence, made us a warm welcome and talked about the need of breaks, of meditation and of presence in the present, and about the need of time away from the digital world. Sabina was a fantastic hostess for this conference. She professionally introduced us to the guests, told about our council and about our topic for this year. Every grandmother told about themselves and Sabina translated. Guest were encouraged to put forward questions to the grandmothers, and in a very nice and loving atmosphere people debated and exchanged and shared.

After the meeting we all walked through sunny Florence streets to a cozy little restaurant, where we had marvelous lunch, anti-pasta and pasta. It was late when we all were back at Bigallo, having a little rest before dinner and the following “sharing”.


Again the grandmothers met in a the circle.

  • Next year’s meeting is in Lithuania,18th – 21st of January 2019. Aldona and Daiva will send out information as soon as possible. The topic will be: “Sound”. Homework for the circle (about sound):
    • What is it to you?
    • What are you in sound?
    • What is sound in your country/family?
    • What role does it play in your culture?
    • Presentation: show your sound. ………….it will be like a wave, we will develop, many people..a symphony
  • The following meeting, around sep. 2019, will take place at Island, Monika happily announced. And maybe next time Ireland?
  • On this Monday morning we also had the pleasure of trying “Vedic Art” as Christine led us through a lesson of this. With a blank piece of paper, a pencil, silent music and our eyes closed we draw on the paper whatever came to us. This we did for a long time. Afterwards we were asked to try to find pictures, things, beings in the doodles. Interesting art work came forward. Thanks to Christine for teaching us.
  • Closing ceremony:
    We gathered in the big hall with the guests, who had come to be with us. Sabina had the last information for us. In a silently falling rain we walked in a long line to the far end of the olive grove. The blessed water was brought to the middle of the circle again. Helga and Sabina lead the ceremony. Aldona gave out the bread brought from her country, and we all gave it to the birds and to the ground. With the rain falling heavier now, as a blessing from the sky, Daiva took some of the blessed water into a bottle to bring home for next years meeting, before she spread out the water in the circle. Many guest were joining us in this closing ceremony, and finally there were lots of goodbyes, hugs and kisses under the umbrellas. The rain stopped after all and sunshine was back.
    Before everybody took off into Europe again, we had lunch at Ostello del Bigallo.

Many thanks to Sabina and all her helpers, Chiara, Silvia, Eleonora and Nadeshwari, and to the guest, who made this grandmother meeting come alive and flowing. Thanks to photographers. Thanks to Ostello for hospitality and a good spirit.

May 2018/Wenche & Toni