Focus Meditation for Peace
Invitation to a focus/meditate on peace together (on distance):
25 januari – 24 Februari – 25 Mars – 24 April – 23 Maj – 22 Juni – 21 Juli – 19 Augusti – 18 September – 17 Oktober – 15 November – 15 December
TIME: 8pm GMT/9pm CET/10pm EET/ 11pm GMT+3
We invite people from many traditions and cultures in Europe and around the world to meditate peace together.
DATE : 27th December 2023 This is a distance meditation in the presence of your own stillness, in focus, silence and/or in meditation together with the rest of the world (no personal or zoom guidance). |
Dear friends, let us use this wonderful tool of meditation, together creating a field to support peace and trust to take place in the world in the year of 2023
MEDITATION (If you want guidance you can follow this text))
- Invite the light of peace and trust in yourself
- Invite the light of peace in your village/country.´
- Invite the light of peace and trust between Russia and Ukraine and other countries and groups all over the world.
- And then invite the light for peace and the deep caring for all life on the planet.
We know – and science knows – that the electromagnetic waves that our heart and mind emit have an effect on the world. | We know – and science knows – that when millions of people direct this energy by meditating on a common goal, it has an effect. |
The Council of European Grandmothers: https://councileugrandmothers.eu