Next Council Meeting

Next Council Meeting

The 11th Council Meeting

September 6-7th 2025

Irland – Dundalk

More information will soon come…

The 10th Council meeting was in Poland sept 2024

Topic: Sisterhood

Grandmother Elisabeth Wille, Swiss Delegate. Grandmother Helge Langer.
Photo: Rita Paulina Klysik


“How can we strengthen the female qualities that society so urgently needs to increase peace and to improve the climate – in terms of social life and in terms of the planet we all share?”


View the program details (English)

View the program details (Polish)

Soon the summery and report from the 10th Council Meeting will come up here…

9th Meeting Program in English

9th Meeting Program in English

Swiss Council Meeting 2023

EUGM Programme 3. and 4. Feb 24 Wildhaus

9th meeting of the Council of European Grandmothers in Wildhaus on the topic of “Light”

The first days of February have been special days since time immemorial: the daylight is clearly perceptible, the hours of sunshine are increasing. Life in nature is slowly waking up, winter will soon be over.
In the Celtic tradition this time is called Imbolc when they Celebrate the Return of Brigid, the Goddess of Light. The Christian culture knows these days as Candlemas – candles are blessed that will accompany you through the year.

After our internal work on the “Light” from February 1st to 3rd we open the circle to everyone, women and men, young and old!
Translation is provided.


Meeting point: Cost: Registration:



3 February 24: Peace Fire

8 p.m. to approx. 9 p.m.
parking lot at Schönenbodensee, 9658 Wildhaus; from there it’s a short walk
requested before January 15th
by mail or website

4 February 24:

09.15 to 09.45 09.45 to 10.30

10.30 to 10.45 10.45 to 12.00

12.30 to 13.45 14.00 to 15.15

15.15 to 15.30 15.30 to 16.15 16.15 to 17.15

Lectures and exchange

Welcome and introduction of the Council of European Grandmothers

“Being born into the Light”; Elisabeth Wille, Irene Keller Gubler The importance of the first 1000 days of a person’s life
Loss of twins – personal experience from the prenatal period
Potential of us grandparents during this time

“Why love is stronger than violence”; Christa Dregger

Away from world events, even in crisis areas, communities and villages of the future are emerging And living a reality of peace that is (still) a utopia globally. Christa will show us the healing effect Of the ‘peace research community of Tamera’ and the alliance ‘Defend the Sacred’ with their non- Violent and spiritually holistic life models. A new culture is becoming visible here.

Questions and exchange

Dinner together in the nearby restaurant “Alpstein”
Costs: 27 CHF (salad buffet, spaghetti or rice with various sauces, coffee / tea)

“Why we need the KlimaSeniorinnen”; Rosmarie Wydler
The association KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz with over 2500 members is suing the federal Government because the Seniors are particularly affected by global warming. Our complaint was Rejected by all instances in Switzerland. That’s why we went to the European Court of Justice For Human Rights. Their verdict will have repercussions for the whole of Europe.
Questions and exchange

“Two Nordic Stories relating to the Light”; Beate Heide, Sami

Questions, exchange and conclusion

How to get there: by post bus: “Wildhaus Dorf” stop, from there it’s a 5-minute walk

by car: large parking lot «Chuchitobel» Costs: voluntary collection

Registration: absolutely necessary for organizational reasons before January 15th
by mail or website

9th Meeting Program in English

9th Meeting PROGRAMME in German

EUGM Tagesprogramm Wildhaus KLEIN

9. Treffen des Rates der Europäischen Grossmütter in Wildhaus zum Thema «Licht»

Die ersten Tage im Februar sind seit Urzeiten besondere Tage: das Tageslicht nimmt deutlich wahrnehmbar zu, die Sonnenstunden werden mehr. Das Leben in der Natur wacht langsam auf, der Winter ist bald vorbei.
In der keltischen Tradition wird diese Zeit Imbolc genannt: da wird die Rückkehr von Brigid, der Göttin des Lichtes, gefeiert. Die christliche Kultur kennt diese Tage als Lichtmess – Kerzen werden gesegnet, die einem durchs Jahr begleiten werden.

Nach unserer internen Arbeit vom 1. bis 3. Februar zum „Licht“ öffnen wir den Kreis für alle, Frauen und Männer, jung und alt!
Für Übersetzung ist gesorgt.


3. Februar 24: Friedensfeuer

20 Uhr bis ca. 21 Uhr
Parkplatz beim Schönenbodensee, 9658 Wildhaus; von dort aus kurzer Weg zu Fuss keine

Anmeldung: erwünscht bis 15. Januar 24

per Mail oder Website



4. Februar 24:

09.15 bis 09.45 09.45 bis 10.30

10.30 bis 10.45 10.45 bis 12.00

12.30 bis 13.45 14.00 bis 15.15

15.15 bis 15.30 15.30 bis 16.15 16.15 bis 17.15

Vorträge und Austausch

Begrüssung und Vorstellen des Councils of European Grandmothers

«Das Licht der Welt erblicken»; Elisabeth Wille, Irene Keller Gubler Die Wichtigkeit der ersten 1000 Tage im Leben eines Menschen
Zwillingsverlust – persönliche Erfahrung aus der pränatalen Zeit
Potential von uns Grosseltern in dieser Zeit

«Warum Liebe stärker ist als Gewalt»; Christa Dregger

Abseits vom Weltgeschehen, auch in Krisengebieten, entstehen Gemeinschaften und Zukunftsdörfer und leben eine Realität des Friedens, die global (noch) eine Utopie ist. Wie und warum diese «Heilungsbiotope» eine heilende Wirkung haben werden, möchte Christa anhand der Friedensforschungs-Gemeinschaft Tamera und der Allianz ‘Defend the Sacred’ beleuchten: mit gewaltfreien und spirituell-ganzheitlichen Lebensmodellen wird hier eine neue Kultur sichtbar.

Fragen und Austausch

gemeinsames Essen im nahegelegenen Restaurant «Alpstein» Kosten: 27 Fr (Salatbuffet, Spaghetti oder Reis mit div. Saucen, Kafi / Tee)

“Warum es die KlimaSeniorinnen braucht”; Rosmarie Wydler
Der Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz mit über 2500 Mitgliedern klagt gegen den Bund, weil die Seniorinnen von der Klimaerwärmung besonders stark betroffen sind. Unsere Beschwerde wurde von allen Instanzen in der Schweiz abgewiesen. Deshalb gelangten wir an den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte. Dieses Urteil wird für ganz Europa Auswirkungen haben.
Fragen und Austausch

«Zwei nordische Geschichten zum Licht»; Beate Heide, Sami

Fragen, Austausch und Abschluss

Ort: Anreise:

Mehrzweckhalle «Chuchitobel», 9658 Wildhaus
mit Postauto: Haltestelle «Wildhaus Dorf», von dort 5 Minuten zu Fuss mit Auto: grosser Parkplatz «Chuchitobel»
freiwillige Kollekte

Anmeldung: unbedingt erforderlich aus organisatorischen Gründen bis 15. Januar 24!

per Mail oder Website

6th Council Meeting Helga

A lecture for the 6th Meeting of the European Council of Grandmothers in Island


I am Grandmother Helga from Germany. I am happy to be here in Iceland together with my European Grandmother Sisters, and I am happy to meet all of you. Our topic for this council is PEACE, and I am sure that this is one of the most important issues for all of us in these days and it is no coincidence that our council takes place in Iceland just in the time of the UN-WORLD PEACE DAY.

It is my part today to talk about our inner peace, our peace of mind.
Why shall we think about inner peace?
Many years ago, I thought about what I can contribute to the goal PEACE in the world! I felt overwhelmed by this immense challenge! I was about to give up, but I read about Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and other great peace campaigners and I understood that peace is not a state but a process.
“There are no roads to peace, peace is the way”. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Then I understood that PEACE in the world starts with us. That means I have to find peace inside of me. I remembered the cosmic principles of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. One of them is “As the outer world, so the inner world – as the inner world, so the outer world.” The Dalai Lama: “If you do not know inner peace, you will not find it in your encounter with others.” These examples may be enough for the moment to explain, why I decided to think about inner peace, work on it and share my experiences with you. Now – a little break! Although I know, that there is only little time!
Please -Take your time!
Close your eyes!
Take a deep breath and exhale! Four times!
Find your own rhythm now, be quiet and relax!
Imagine you are at your favourite place in the nature!
Realize that you are connected to everything!
Stay there and enjoy this moment until I will call you back!
– two minutes –
Come back and open your eyes!
Sometimes it needs not more to find our inner peace:
Take some time!
Be aware of your breath!
Be just in this moment!
Be in the nature!
Feel connected!
Sometimes it is much more difficult to find our inner peace. There are many reasons for this.
One reason is that we are angry with ourselves. We are very often angry with ourselves, one aspect of us fights against the other as if we have war within us.
We have to understand, perceive and accept that we do not really value ourselves.Most of us have a deep fear of rejection. That is why we try to live up to expectations of others and our own. For many of us this means a tremendous effort and causes great stress.
Mostly the cause for this is in the past. That means, that we have to look into our childhood, sometimes even deeper – into the childhood of our parents or grandparents- to understand all the suppressed feelings, deep mental injuries we all have suffered. Children are very vulnerable, and dependent to their parents, they need their love. When parents have had to suppress their feelings, they are unconsciously afraid, that these feelings, especially deep pain, come into their consciousness.
Where fear is there cannot be love, because fear makes our body tight and love needs space.
So almost all of us have a lack of love. We have many ways to deal with it. Most ways do not lead to inner peace, because most of us do not understand that many of our activities and efforts have something to do with our need for love. That means that we have to look into our childhood and to our ancestors to see, understand, feel and accept the hidden wounds, pain and anger to heel them. Then we can learn to forgive our ancestors and ourselves. When we forgive, we are connected. This forgiveness, our connection leads to INNER PEACE!